Monday, April 27, 2015

The Original Slevinists

My grandparents' memorial was this weekend and during my Aunt Taylor's eulogy she said, "These are some Slevinism virtues that Spalding and Jane taught all of us..."

My grandparents Jane and Spalding Slevin were the most kind, funny, faithful, caring, and courageous people many of us knew. 
It seems like everyone they came in contact with was influenced for the better. 

This is the true meaning of Slevinism. 
Being a good person, not because society tells you to do so or because of the promise of something better because of it, but because it is simply the right thing to do. 

That's how my grandparents were. They never questioned doing the right thing because it was obvious why they had to do it. 

They accepted my aunt dating (and eventually marrying) a black man in the 1970s because they could see that he was a good man. They chose to see past his color in a time when color could define you. 

I don't think that they were perfect, not by a long shot, but in their imperfections they were most virtuous, not allowing the negativity or poor decision define or limit them. 

There is so much I love about the Slevin family and ultimately it roots back to my grandparents, the original Slevinists, who taught by example and lived a life worth living. 

Here are some things that were said during the service:

Raise awareness and inspire action 

"Don't you know it takes a long time to become young"
"Become young again, have fun again..."
"We are their living legacies"
"See the Godness in everyone and everything"
"I want to share some Slevinisms with you"--Aunt Wendy
Strength, love, forgiveness
•do your best and let God do the rest
•keep looking up 
•don't forget your prayers
•keep on loving and forgiving
•with God, all things are possible 
•love never ends
•take care of eachother 
•love one another

Connection, tolerance and authentic love. 

"Those whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before, they are always with us."
What they left in the world 

Love, forgiveness, joy, playfulness, faith, connection 

dignity, grace, faith and love. 

Thank you for living a life worth living. 

God looked around and picked the very best children to give to us. 

"You've got your eye on the wrong ball."

"Spalding, don't forget. Talk to the father."

How did they last 73 years? 
"I promised." -Grandmother Jane Slevin

Continue to live their legacy...

"Keep loving freely and keep on forgiving because love never ends."

The value of your last day. 
Hard working, eating a cookie, spontaneity
Even if the path seems strange, follow it.
My grandparents taught me how to live. 
Live, love, hope, dream the way they did.  

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